Sunday, May 4, 2014

Classic. | outfit

Trench Coat: art.23: Paris|Marineshirt: Saint James|Hat: Zara
Another day in Paris, another day trying to be Parisian. This time I tried it with a classic French outfit; Trenchcoat, Marineshirt, and a classy hat.
I put the outfit on already to buy myself a baguette for my breakfast. After buying it I held it classically under my arm and looked at my self in the mirror laughing because I really looked like a French man.

On that sunny afternoon I decided to climb up Montmartre to see the stunning sunset over Paris.

Photos by: Isabel Verdin


  1. Ich liebe dich kak Jo!!!��

  2. You are so handsome joooo ♥ :)

  3. Beph, kamu suka banget yah foto-foto. Gak papa sih tapi jangan ekstrim gitu dong fotonya pake manjat-manjat pager segala, nanti kalo jatoh gimana ? Aku gak mau kamu kenapa-kenapa jo({})

  4. awesome shirt and coat, young french man

  5. so awesome at all. i love your style ♥

  6. wowwwwwwww cool its amazing pictures so awesome. hows your feeling when u took those pictures??? looks likeunmood? jooo really jan sampe gue ngespam ni wkwk

  7. good enoug! the colour is match all the way your looks


huh? What did you say?